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Answer "Are Pugs good companions?"

Are Pugs good companions?

This "Are Pugs good companions?" answer for dog breed Pug was viewed by 6698 visitors.

Country of origin: China

Pug – is, probably, the cutest and uncommon pets. This dog does not really differ itself with any subtlety or grace, as the greyhounds do. These dogs do not have a stubborn personality of combatant, as the bulldog has. But this dog will become your true and loyal friend, who will always follow you, no matter what happens.

These dogs are true companions, who always want to be with their owners. These dogs hate to be left alone and despite their clumsiness and phlegmatic attitude, these dogs can be really impulsive. For example, if there are any dangerous circumstances, the dog will attack the threat to protect its loved owner. This dog can become the best solution for those, who love to stay at home. If you like to spend your evenings surrounded by books – the pug will definitely fit your lifestyle.

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