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Answer "Does my dog need a nutritionist?"

Does my dog need a nutritionist?

This "Does my dog need a nutritionist?" answer was viewed by 6229 visitors.

For healthy living and proper organism development, the good nutrition is necessary. Animals that live with us are not an exception from this rule. The ancient people have noticed that the proper nutrition has a beneficial effect on health.

The animal in our house is already a member of our family. And we understand that we are responsible for them. Your dog is not just a loyal friend, but also a family member, who needs the same amount of love and care, as well as the rest of your family.

The problem with incorrect ration is the most obvious in those dogs that live in apartments. We have a lot of our own problems – our daily routine and work when our pets wait for us at home. Probably they love us even more than we love them. We often feed our pets from the table and we see the highest level of our love in this action. Your pet eats with you and it eats the same food as you do, isn't it a true love? No, it is not! This kind of ration can lead to serious metabolism issues. The processes inside their bodies are completely different from ours.

Today we have a new division of veterinarian medicine – veterinary dietology. It turns out that "our younger brothers" need a nutritionist too!

First of all, you have to watch the regime of feeding. Feed your dog with a calculated amount of food and the age of your pet taken into account. It is also recommended to watch drinking regime. Your dog should get only clean water! All the natural food you give to your pet should not be too hot or too cold. It is also not recommended to mix natural food with dry dog food.

Follow these simple rules and your dog will thank you! Let's be attentive to our pets!

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