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Answer "How do I care for my Bordeauxdog?"

How do I care for my Bordeauxdog?

This "How do I care for my Bordeauxdog?" answer was viewed by 6426 visitors.

It is recommended to take a puppy of French Mastiff only if you have a big apartment or house. These dogs have a very calm and patient character, they can easily be trained, but they are still recommended to experienced dog owners only. The owner should become a true leader for this dog, especially for a male one. You must not encourage any acts of aggression or disobedience of your dog.

It is recommended to walk your French Mastiff at least two times per day for 30 minutes. You should not load the dog of this breed with big amount of physical exercises, but you also should not restrict its physical activity. It would be enough to give your dog a possibility to deal with its natural needs and play with it for 30 minutes.

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