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Answer "How do I care for my whippet?"

How do I care for my whippet?

This "How do I care for my whippet?" answer for dog breed Whippet was viewed by 6609 visitors.

Country of origin: England
Height: Male
Weight: 15–30 pounds (6.8–14 kg).)

Whippets, as well as the other dogs, need a high-quality food along with the big amount of fresh and cold water. These dogs do not require you to take care of them in any specific manner – bathe them when it is needed, cut their claws and examine their fur for parasites. This breed will not handle the life outside the house or on a chain. The fur of whippet does not allow it to tolerate long cold periods. Despite that fact, these dogs are only happy when they live with their loved owner.

They also need a soft bed, regular physical exercises and regular checks at the vet clinic. The most important thing you can do for your whippet is to prevent it from being hit by a car or being bitten by other dogs. These dogs, when they are young, tend to chew anything they can, so it is recommended to keep your puppy in the cage for the time that it has to be alone.

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