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Answer "How do I feed my shar pei?"

How do I feed my shar pei?

This "How do I feed my shar pei?" answer for dog breed Shar Pei was viewed by 6409 visitors.

Country of origin: China
Other names: Chinese Shar-Pei, Chinese Fighting Dog
Height: 18 to 22 in (46 to 56 cm)
Weight: 40 to 65 lb (18 to 29 kg)

Food allergy can cause a variety of skin diseases and stomach problems. The ration of Shar-Peis has to be balanced and contain a low protein percentage (around 16-21%). It should not contain any preservatives. Boiled vegetables can become a good alternative to regular dog food. Any kind of cabbage will fit the ration of Shar-Pei, as well as onion, bananas, peaches, and apples.

Do not give your dog anything from your table! People tend to pour the vegetables with oil, salt, sugar, and sauces. You should also avoid soy, beef, preservatives and dyes. Instead of it, look for food with a high content of A, C, and E vitamins. The food that does not contain any chemicals can magically affect the health of your pet.

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