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Answer "How do I help homeless dogs?"

How do I help homeless dogs?

This "How do I help homeless dogs?" answer was viewed by 6551 visitors.

During the colder months, we try to get home as fast as we can, drink some hot tea and hide under a blanket. We can barely tolerate 20 minutes outside when homeless dogs have no place to hide. It is a very dangerous time of the year for them. But everyone can save at least one small life and make this story end with happiness.

If you see a homeless animal, it would be a good idea to feed it. If it is a kitten or a puppy, buy some baby food and give it to them. Give this animal some warm water and try to build a cozy shelter for it. You can use a box to make a small house for this poor animal to get warmer. This is the least you can do to significantly increase the chances of this animal to survive. If you are able to do something more, you can take this dog to a warm and isolated room: pantry in the house, corridor, or even the bathroom.

It is not known if the animal is healthy, so do not let the animal to freely walk around your home until you make sure that it is not sick. This "quarantine" should take up to 3 weeks. It will be a good idea to not to touch the found animal with your bare hand. Try to touch it in gloves only, or using a towel. Wash your hands after every contact.

Make a couple of photos of the found animal and post them on your social network accounts and to the communities that help with homeless pet adoption. This animal may already have owners and just be lost, so try to inform as many people as you can: it will raise the chances to find the owner.

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