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Answer "How do I stop my dog from spoiling wallpaper?"

How do I stop my dog from spoiling wallpaper?

This "How do I stop my dog from spoiling wallpaper?" answer was viewed by 6734 visitors.

Dogs, especially the young ones, explore the world by tasting everything they can reach: linoleum, furniture, wallpaper. And you have to spend a time to stop your dog from doing it, or this habit will just become a hobby. It is not possible to achieve any results by just disciplining your pet.

Supply your pet with various items that it is able to spoil. The need to chew things is naturally built-in in every dog, so you can't just remove it. The passion towards your wallpaper can be replaced with toys and special edible bones that can be bought in almost any store. Buy a couple of different items and give them to your dog. If it has managed to switch from wallpaper, praise it with an edible reward.

Buy some nutritional supplements, if it eats the lime under the wallpaper. All the dogs can start eating lime if they need to restore the proper level of vitamins in their organism. Vitamins have to be prescribed by a veterinarian. Visit a veterinarian if your dog has started chewing wallpaper after some strong stress or neurosis.

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