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Answer "How do I take care of a chihuahua?"

How do I take care of a chihuahua?

This "How do I take care of a chihuahua?" answer for dog breed Chihuahua was viewed by 6967 visitors.

Country of origin: Mexico
Other names: Chihuahua
Nicknames: New Yorker (Mexico only)
Height: Male
Weight: Male

From the very first day of a puppy's life, you should train it to ease nature in the street. Along with this, it would be a great idea to determine the place in your home where the puppy can go to the toilet (in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen), by putting there a newspaper that smells like its excreta.

This is important because small puppies are often not able to hold it until you take them out. Chihuahuas are very clean (watch them eating, when they gently pick up all the crumbs), but their physiology makes itself felt. Education of Chihuahua puppy should be started immediately after you took it into your house. At the beginning, you should teach it to communicate (Recognize its name and your gestures). Your dog can distinguish something bad from something good only with the help of your voice tone. If it behaves good – show it, if it doesn't – grumble like its mother would do. Chihuahuas should not be shy or angry, so it is a good idea to take it out more often to help it socialize.

As for commands – it is only about your wishes and expectations. It would be a dumb idea to train Chihuahua like a guard dog, but it should still know simple commands such as "No", "Here", and "Stay".

Answer for dog breed "Chihuahua"

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