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Answer "How do I teach my dog to wash its paws?"

How do I teach my dog to wash its paws?

This "How do I teach my dog to wash its paws?" answer was viewed by 6495 visitors.

During the colder months, many owners experience some problem with the cleanliness of their houses due to dirty paws of their loved pets. In order to make your dog accept it, you should make them regular and repeat every time, even if the paws of your pet are not dirty.

Fill the tub with hot water and put the tab next to the door. The water will have enough time to cool, so when the walk ends, the temperature of it will be perfect for paw washing.

When you come back home, you should show your dog that the access to the house will only accept the dogs with clean paws and no one will enter it until the paws are washed. Show your dog that it should put the paw into the tub and then give it a little treat for doing it. After washing all the paws, the dog is finally allowed to enter the house. This habit to wash the paws after a walk is important for both behavioral and cleanliness points of views.

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