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Answer "How do I train akita inu?"

How do I train akita inu?

This "How do I train akita inu?" answer for dog breed Akita Inu was viewed by 6965 visitors.

Country of origin: Japan
Other names: Akita Inu, Japanese Akita, American Akita, Great Japanese Dog (Obsolete)
Height: Male
Weight: Male

Only a very experienced owner can train Akita Inu. Dog owners without a decent experience can easily lose this "battle" with smart and tricky Akita Inu. This breed has its genetic need to dominate.

It is recommended to be very careful when training Akita Inu but still remain calm, patient, and self-confident. You have to show this dog, who is a real owner here and who owns all the stuff in this house. It is not recommended to let your pet sleep in your bedroom, or even enter it.

Please note that you should not punish your dog using any physical force or yelling. These dogs remember all the violence and the people did it to them. You should not doubt that these dogs will always have their revenge. A self-confident, skilled, and experienced leader will easily train smart, obedient, and loyal Akita.

Dogs of this breed do not like monotonous training with the same commands, and that is why their training should be diverse. Except at-home training activities, all the owners of Akita Inu are recommended to attend dog training courses.

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