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Answer "How do people make tyrants of their dogs?"

How do people make tyrants of their dogs?

This "How do people make tyrants of their dogs?" answer was viewed by 5987 visitors.

So how do you make a tyrant of your dog? Follow these simple rules and you will get the worst pet that has ever existed:

1. Always do what your dog wants. Walk it, play with it and feed it whenever it tells you to do it. Do not make your pet try to get your attention.

2. Humanize your dog. Ignore all the people, who say that dogs are completely different creatures and they have a very different biological system.

3. Your puppy is greedy and does not let you take its bowl? Laugh and praise your pet for being so funny. This dog will definitely become a great guard!

4. Your dog does not let you check the teeth, ears, and eyes? Leave it alone! Do not do any injections or bandaging if your pet is sick.

5. The dog does not execute your commands? Give it an edible reward. Feed it every time it does not obey.

6. Do not touch your pet when it attacks other dogs. Other dog owners seem to hate you? Well, your dog is not a dollar to be liked by everyone.

7. Always trade all the stolen items. Do you need your keys? Trade it for a sausage.

8. Never discipline your dog. You are its friend, not a parent.

9. Let it sleep with you because you have a great bed

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