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Answer "How does spring affect dogs?"

How does spring affect dogs?

This "How does spring affect dogs?" answer was viewed by 6829 visitors.

Spring is the time when nature wakes up and refreshes itself. But it is also a time of depression, vitamin deficiency, and tiredness. This time of the year affects both humans and dogs.

It is time to change clothes.

Animals change their "coat" two times per year. They just shed. In spring, the thick winter coat is replaced with a sparse year coat, in which there is almost no undercoat. To lower the amount of shedding hair, you should comb out your pet on a daily basis. You should also add some more vitamins and minerals to its ration to prevent vitamin deficiency. When there are not enough vitamins, the shedding process may take too much time.

It is time to fall in love.

Spring – is the time of love. And animals do have this instinct too. You can give some sedative medications during these periods to remove the anxiety and aggressiveness. You can also use hormonal medications to lower the libido of your dog. This problem can also be solved radically – by a castration.

It is time to not get sick.

It also a period of intensification of various viruses. So, if you did not vaccinate your pet yet, it is time to do it. Only one injection will protect your pet from many really dangerous diseases.

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