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Answer "How samoyeds tolerate hot and sunny weather?"

How samoyeds tolerate hot and sunny weather?

This "How samoyeds tolerate hot and sunny weather?" answer for dog breed Samoyed was viewed by 6721 visitors.

Country of origin: Russia
Other names: Bjelkier, Samoiedskaya Sobaka, Nenetskaya Laika
Nicknames: Smiley, Sammy

As any other dog, Samoyed will need cold drinking water and the shadows to normally tolerate a hot weather. If your dog is allowed to enter the house, it will find a good place to rest in. Outside your dog will probably dig a small hole by removing the top layer of soil. Some dogs love when they have ice in their water to prevent it from heating up too fast.

Samoyeds shed during the warmer months, which allows them to tolerate the hot weather. If the weather is too hot, it is recommended to avoid physical exercises. You should give all the exercises at morning or after a dawn. Samoyeds can easily adapt to any environment. But you should not test your dog and force it to suffer from extreme temperatures. It can lead to a fatal end. Never leave your dog inside the car at summer. The temperature inside the car with closed windows is more than enough to cause a heat stroke in your Samoyed.

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