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Answer "How to clean dogs ears?"

How to clean dogs ears?

This "How to clean dogs ears?" answer was viewed by 7018 visitors.

Cleaning the ears of your pet – is one of the most necessary hygienic procedures. Lop-eared breeds require their ears to be cleaned every week. However, the manipulation can be postponed, if there is not enough earwax to clean.

Before starting to clean ears of your pet, you have to know a couple of animal ears features:

1. Dogs ears are very sensitive, so they need regular care in order to prevent your pet from getting infected with parasitic and infectious diseases.

2. Dogs do not like when their ears are being cleaned, so get patient, the process will definitely not be easy.

3. Improper care of the ears may lead to trauma and damage animal's health.

Here are some rules for ear cleaning:

• Fixate your dog. The procedure can be performed after bathing or sleeping. Carefully lay your pet and fixate its head on your knees, so you could start the procedure.

• Ear hygiene. Calmly talk to your pet during this procedure. If there

• Massage. Mix this manipulation with the ear massage. Dogs tend to like this kind of massage, so they will tolerate ear cleaning more calmly.

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