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Answer "Puppy training basics?"

Puppy training basics?

This "Puppy training basics?" answer was viewed by 6846 visitors.

If you have decided to adopt a puppy, you should know that even the smallest companion dog has to be trained and educated. Training shows your puppy the correct line of behavior for any situation and explains the hierarchy in your family.

You should show your puppy what exactly it is allowed to do and what is not. Your family replaces the pack for a small dog, and this dog will try to get the highest possible position in its hierarchy. The dog has to understand that you are a leader. Do not allow your pet to sleep on the sofa, touch toys of your children, etc.

Here are some rules for the correct behavior in your family:

• Do not give any treatments without reason. Your dog has to execute some command before getting it.

• After a long walk, you should enter the house first – never allow your pet to be ahead.

• The puppy is not allowed to sleep in your bed – it is leader's spot. Otherwise, the dog will think that you are equal.

• If you gave any command and your pet ignored it, do not repeat the command. Your pet has to obey immediately.

• If your pet behaves boldly and demands attention, give a "sit down" command, so the dog could calm down a bit. You should play with your pet when you want it, not your pet.

• Any training session or play has to be started and ended by you.

• Do not use any physical force to discipline the dog. Praise and pet your dog, when it behaves properly.

• Do not give too much freedom – the animal should always be under your control. At the first sign of aggressive behavior harshly pull your dog down. Please, remember that the adult dog is incredibly difficult to re-educate with all the basics of proper behavior, which is often done in puppyhood.

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