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Answer "Should I buy a treadmill for my dog?"

Should I buy a treadmill for my dog?

This "Should I buy a treadmill for my dog?" answer was viewed by 5997 visitors.

The main problem of the modern world – is a lack of physical exercises. It is not just a human's problem, it also affects dogs. Busy owners do not have enough time to walk their pets enough and give them a proper amount of exercises. But, at least we are able to visit the gym twice per week. What can our pets do to remain in a good shape? There are also a variety of breeds, which require huge amounts of exercises to remain in shape. Kennel clubs and vet clinics now have special treadmills for dogs – amazing tools to keep our pets happy and healthy. It is also the only modern way for the rehabilitation of the dogs, which can't go out for various reasons, but they still require movement.

Treadmills can be electrical or mechanical. Mechanical treadmills allow the dog to develop its strength because the surface of this device is moved by the force of dog only. The effect from electrical treadmill is a little bit different: the dog becomes tougher and its body becomes more elastic. By why should you use special treadmill aimed at dogs instead of common one that people use. Any dog will easily spoil the surface of "common" treadmill with its claws. Secondly, all the treadmills, which are aimed at dogs, have side walls and a mount for the leash.

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