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Answer "What exercises should I give my St. bernard?"

What exercises should I give my st. bernard?

This "What exercises should I give my St. bernard?" answer for dog breed St. Bernard was viewed by 6212 visitors.

Country of origin: Italy, Switzerland
Other names: St. Bernhardshund, Bernhardiner, Alpine Mastiff (archaic)
Nicknames: Saint

From their early days of life St. Bernard puppies should not receive significant physical exercises – weight lifting and long jumps. Their giant bones continue to grow until the dog reaches the age of two years. And even the simplest operations like jumping in the truck can harm the bones of your puppy.

The adult St. Bernards do not require a high physical load, it would be a better idea to bring them for a long walk every day. St. Bernards love to play various games and learn some interesting things. Ask your dog to find you and hide somewhere. Throw something tasty in the air and your dog will catch it. They may not react that fast as you want, but still, your command will be executed.

Answer for dog breed "St. Bernard"

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