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Answer "What is Cheyletiella in dogs?"

What is Cheyletiella in dogs?

This "What is Cheyletiella in dogs?" answer was viewed by 6190 visitors.

Cheyletiella – is a parasitic disease, which is caused by mittens. They are pretty small to be found (0.25 – 0.5 mm in diameter). These creatures eat various skin liquids and lymph. On the early stages, this disease can be confused with a common danger that bothers the animal. However, after some time this disease will get more noticeable and disturbing symptoms. These symptoms are significant causes to visit a veterinarian as soon as possible.

How does Cheyletiella is distinguished?

- Partial hair loss on infected areas, especially on the back, neck, and ears.

- The animal starts being disturbed and constantly scratches and bites its skin.

- Hyperpigmentation can be seen on infected zones.

This disease can be cured with the help of aqueous solutions: Neostomosan (1:200), Butox (1:5000). Various aerosols are also pretty effective. It is recommended to bathe your dog with zinc-rich shampoo before applying them.

It should be noted that all the animals in your house have to be treated, due to the high danger of infection. You should also clean all the rooms of your home.

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