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Answer "What is demodecosis in dogs?"

What is demodecosis in dogs?

This "What is demodecosis in dogs?" answer was viewed by 6387 visitors.

Demodicosis – is a parasitic disease, which is caused by the enormous amount of Demodex mittens. These mittens are symbionts, which means that they live in every normal dog, cat, and even a human.

Is this disease contagious? No! Your pets can sleep and play together without any risk for the second pet to get infected. There is also a breed-based predisposition to this disease: the most vulnerable breeds are Shar Pei, West Highland, Terriers, Boxers, bulldogs, and German Shepherds.

There are two forms of demodicosis:

- Localized Form. When there are about five bald spots. Medical attention is not required. The disease will go away after some time.

- Generalized Form. When there are more than 5 spots. Medical attention is required and recommended in this case.

As it was said above: localized disease does not require any treatment: in this case, the disease will end in 7-8 weeks. But if it has started progressing, it requires immediate medical treatment. The progressive form of this disease is treated with ivermectin and related medications. Except them, there may be symptomatic medications used. The process may take up to 3-4 months: so be patient and follow the recommendation of your veterinarian.

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