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Answer "What is depression in dogs?"

What is depression in dogs?

This "What is depression in dogs?" answer was viewed by 6802 visitors.

The depression in dogs can be characterized by long-term emotional distress. You can recognize depression in your pet by its insomnia, food rejection, unmotivated aggression, which can be shown even towards the closest family members. You can also notice the reduction of reaction to various stimuli (such as bright light). There are two types of depression: common and chronic. Chronic depression often starts after the common type. What causes a depression in dogs? It may be a sudden attack of someone, the loss of an owner or very close animal. The dog may stop reacting on its favorite toy, behave torpidly and ignore commands.

If your pet experiences this problem, do not try to "shake" it. Just give it some time to sleep and relax. If you see that your pet sleeps too much, do not try to wake it up, because sleeping is a natural reaction to stress in dogs. It is the way for the dog's body to restore emotional and physical energy. Various depressive conditions are often diagnosed in dogs with endogenous issues.

Those people, who ignore this problem or think it is a myth, will never understand the deep and wide internal world of the dog. Trust us, sometimes your dog just needs your attention.

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