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Answer "What kind of character does dalmatian have?"

What kind of character does dalmatian have?

This "What kind of character does dalmatian have?" answer for dog breed Dalmatian was viewed by 6116 visitors.

Country of origin: Croatia
Other names: Carriage Dog, Spotted Coach Dog, Firehouse Dog, Plum Pudding Dog
Nicknames: Dal, Dally
Height: Male
Weight: Male

Dalmatian – is a very active and energetic dog that loves physical exercises. These dogs are very connected to their owners, so your pet will always be happy to spend some time with its family. Dalmatians are also very impressionable: they can easily be offended and be stormy happy, when they are encouraged. However, they are not suitable for life outside the home. Their soft skin and short hair do not allow them to endure the weather. Dampness may cause fungus in your Dalmatian, and we don’t even mention fleas and ticks.

Dalmatians also have good vocal skills. They grumble, mumble, grunt, and sleep with a whistle. They are amazing watchdogs – sensitive and alert guards for your house. This breed never barks hysterically without a reason.

Are Dalmatians dumb? No, they are not. They are pretty smart and clever to recognize a situation when they should execute some command from their owner.

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