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Answer "What kind of characted St. Bernard dog has?"

What kind of characted St. Bernard dog has?

This "What kind of characted St. Bernard dog has?" answer for dog breed St. Bernard was viewed by 7360 visitors.

Country of origin: Italy, Switzerland
Other names: St. Bernhardshund, Bernhardiner, Alpine Mastiff (archaic)
Nicknames: Saint

St. Bernard looks like a wise, kind, and very calm dog. And this is not about its size. Big kind hearth and heroism – are main distinguishable features of this breed. Modern St. Bernards are sociable and sensitive animals. They are real family members, who didn't lose their core instincts.

Many people are sure that St. Bernard does not have a living mind and developed intellect. To be honest, this breed is also distinguishable by its surprising smartness and rapid reaction. Their mission is to save people in the mountains, and that is why they need a powerful intellect and their reaction speed. But yes, St. Bernards do not like to make any unnecessary movements in their everyday life.

St. Bernard dogs love and protect their owners, and try to make them happy. This breed is very social. Dogs from this breed can rest only next to a human. They need to communicate not only with the man, but also various animals - other dogs, cats, and horses. The only term of having St. Bernard in your house is not to leave it alone. These dogs cannot live alone and may even fall into depression.

St.Bernards have an amazing and soft character. They try to avoid all the conflicts and can become friends with anyone. Many St. Bernard's owners have a photo, where their furry pet is harnessed to the sled and pulling a child through snowdrifts.

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