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Answer "What kind of character Tibetan Terriers have?"

What kind of character Tibetan Terriers have?

This "What kind of character Tibetan Terriers have?" answer for dog breed Tibetan Terrier was viewed by 6356 visitors.

Country of origin: Tibet
Other names: Tsang Apso

Tibetan Terriers are very smart and witty, so their training will not be a problem if you are using correct approach. In order to simplify the training of Tibetan Terrier, its owner has to represent himself as a strong "pack leader", or this dog will not perceive him and will start to occupy a leading position without paying attention to the owner or anyone else.

The puppy has to be socialized from its very first days, because the representatives of this breed are often very aggressive towards strangers. It will not be possible to control your Tibetan Terrier without proper socialization, so it may lead your dog so really sad consequences. These dogs can be easily taught to do something, but they are also able to find a way to avoid it with the same speed. That is the reason, why some owners think that their dogs are slowpokes. But still, these dogs love to make their owners happy, so there is a simple key to successful training – make your dog love you.

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