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Answer "What kind of training does my rottweiler need?"

What kind of training does my rottweiler need?

This "What kind of training does my rottweiler need?" answer for dog breed Rottweiler was viewed by 6404 visitors.

Country of origin: Germany

Rottweilers are working dogs, so they are always happy to show their skills, especially when working together with their loved owners.

From its very first days of life, you should fully control your dog. And the simplest way to do that – is to attend the basic behavioral course. Your breeder can also help you to choose a proper training course, but you should avoid the trainers, who are too harsh, and it doesn't even matter how high their recommendations are.

Usually, it is enough to give verbal commands only to control your dog, but some trainers treat dogs significantly harsher than it is needed.

Women can also deal with the dog on a behavioral course. Physical dominance over your dog is much less important than patience, kindness, and positive approach. Patience is the most important aspect of your behavior when training a Rottweiler.

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