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Answer "What training mistakes are the most common?"

What training mistakes are the most common?

This "What training mistakes are the most common?" answer was viewed by 5937 visitors.

When choosing a school for our children, we often carefully study all the available information about it to make the right decision. But when it comes to dog training, people often choose the trainer, who lives nearby or just has low prices. And then, when you have to chase your dog, which is chasing a postman, for two hours, you understand that you have made a wrong choice. Why does it happen?

Many dog owners think that they can stop training their pet after basic obedience course. All the dogs, especially the representatives of working breeds, require constant training, or they can just start destroying things. It doesn't mean that you should enlist to the police or something like that, but you should spend more time on giving a proper amount of exercises to your pet.

The other problem is a wrong motivation during your training sessions. You should NEVER hit your pet, especially male ones. You will only teach it to run instead of solving any stressful situations. Your dog, in this case, will be obedient only on a leash.

Do not forget to give your dog some time to understand that you are proud of it. Give it something tasty and show that you are happy with the result.

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