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Answer "Which breed makes the best guide dog?"

Which breed makes the best guide dog?

This "Which breed makes the best guide dog?" answer was viewed by 6232 visitors.

Blind people feel it problematic to be social. They often lose their interest to being alive and try not to leave their living space. But guide dogs can change this – blind people start to enjoy their lives and visit interesting places with the help of their furry guides. Experienced dog handlers say that only 25 dogs out of 100 can become trained guides for blind people. The perfect option for this role is a girl with calm and soft character. The best breeds for guide role are German shepherds, Collie, and Labradors.

German Shepherds are brave, friendly, loyal, and reliable dogs, which are very easy to train. These unique qualities allow these dogs to be guards, policemen, rescuers and guide dogs.

Collie – it is a breed that can be distinguished among the others because of its outstanding friendliness, mind and calm character. These dogs also have a developed instinct to protect their owner, especially a kid. Collie would be the best guide for blind children.

Labradors – These dogs are considered to be the best guides. This is achieved because of their natural-born friendliness and developed mind. Labradors make the lives of blind people a little bit better all around the world. These dogs can easily be trained to turn on and turn off the lights, bring a phone or other useful things.

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