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Answer "Which dog should I choose for my family?"

Which dog should I choose for my family?

This "Which dog should I choose for my family?" answer was viewed by 6260 visitors.

It is a huge happiness for every family to adopt a dog. Unfortunately, this happiness is sometimes short-lasting for some families. It happens because many dog owners are not aware of their future pets. You must think about all the pros and cons of adopting a dog.

The dog for the family is not just a friend, but also a lot of problems and worries, which are not really easy to deal with. The first thing you should think about is that the dog will bring you decent financial spending. If you want to have a purebred dog with documents, it will also cost you a significant amount of money.

You will also have to pay for all the needed medications, yearly revaccination, vitamins and minerals to keep its immune system strong and bone system development.

Which dog is the perfect one for a family? It has to be balanced, active, well-trained, and non-aggressive. You may like Labrador, Schnauzer, German Shepherd, Riesenschnauzer, Berner Sennenhund, or the Poodle. You should also remember a couple of the most important rules. Any dog requires long and active walks (up to 2 hours per day). Secondly, no matter the breed of your dog, it has to receive at least the most basic training. And the third rule – never leave young children with a dog!

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