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Answer "Why do dogs need iodine?"

Why do dogs need iodine?

This "Why do dogs need iodine?" answer was viewed by 6337 visitors.

Iodine is required by thyroid gland work and hormone production in it. Thyroid hormones control metabolism speed and have a significant impact on the normal growth of your furry pet.

Iodine sources. Fish contains iodine. Commercial foods for pets also have iodine included along with potassium iodide and calcium iodide.

Your dog has to receive 1.5mg of iodine on every kilogram of food.

Iodine deficiency in dog's body. Normal thyroid hormone development will be significantly decreased if there is iodine deficiency. Symptoms of iodine deficiency include growth retardation, hair loss, weight gain (or even rapid weight gain in older animals), weakness, behavior changes, such as irritability. Often, animals with iodine deficiency lose their ability to have offspring.

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