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Answer "Why should I rehome a dog?"

Why should I rehome a dog?

This "Why should I rehome a dog?" answer was viewed by 6242 visitors.

Not every person is ready to adopt a dog from shelter. Some people show disgust to such animals. But experience shows that not all the dogs saved from streets are dirty or aggressive. Betrayed by its first owner, the dog is afraid of being abandoned again. So if you want to have such a pet, get ready to many problems that you will have to overcome before you will earn the trust of your new pet.

It is recommended to check yourself for allergies before adopting a dog. Statistics shows that the allergy is a main reason of abandoning the dog.

Why should you adopt the dog from shelter?

  • This dog will always be thankful, which means you will get a loyal friend.
  • Many purebreds are spoiled and require special care, without showing any good behavior. The pooch is unpretentious and more accommodating.
  • Some people believe that all the shelter dogs are aggressive. They are not. Embittered individuals are very difficult to catch, so only good-natured dogs are delivered to shelters.

If you are choosing a dog in a shelter, it is recommended to use the help of a specialist, who are able to see the character of the animal. Some of these characteristics can be corrected, while others will never change. Try to recognize all the features in the dog's character, which will prevent you from becoming friends.

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